DroneWISE Kick-Off Meeting

DroneWISE Kick-Off Meeting

[pl_post_props pagelayer-id=”m6HWdDSYpLmvR2zF” post_title=”DroneWISE Kick-Off Meeting” post_name=”dronewise-kickoff-meeting” post_status=”publish” featured_image=”0″ post_excerpt=”The project kick-off...
DroneWISE has started

DroneWISE has started

[pl_post_props pagelayer-id=”m6HWdDSYpLmvR2zF” post_title=”DroneWISE has started” post_name=”dronewise-start” post_status=”publish” featured_image=”7″ post_excerpt=”We are delighted to announce the...
DroneWISE has started

Zaštita Info announces DroneWISE project

The article about DroneWISE project posted on Zaštita.info Zaštita.info is the biggest security magazine in Croatia targeting security specialists in Croatia and region. The article can be found on:...