The Stakeholder Workshop took place on 2nd November in Brussels.

Innovative technologies on critical infrastructure security have been discussed amongst professionals in the field.
Within this all-day event, Senior Project Manager Mrs. Levak from RiniGARD presented the DroneWISE-project and its results. 
One of the main objectives reached is a DroneWISE Counter-UAV Training Portal that was successfully tested and evaluated.

The DroneWISE Counter-UAV Training Portal is directed toward first-responder agencies and it provides a clear, concise and comprehensive overview of the Counter-UAV topic. The DroneWISE CUAV Portal will have a long-term impact on the training of the first responders in this topic and has already aroused great interest from the aforementioned as well as from various EC DG’s, European agencies and Interpol.

Source: Praetorian H2020