DroneWISE consortium member participated in a training event in the context of EU ISF-P project SKYFALL

From 11th to 14th October 2021, a representative from the DroneWISE consortium coordinator BHFOD (University of Applied Sciences for Public Service in Bavaria/Department for Policing) participated in  C-UAV Training-of-Trainers (ToT) course, organized by the Antwerp Local Police in Belgium.

The ToT was part of the SKYFALL project, funded by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund for Police. The training aimed to facilitate the exchange of best practices and expertise among European Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA’s) in countering rogue UAVs, considering the existing counter technologies and the ones that are currently being developed.

In the course, participants had the opportunity to test jamming and a smart kinetic interception device.

The experience gained from this testing and the exchange of information with LEA representatives from 15 EU member states will further improve the development of the DroneWISE CUAV training platform.

On the photos below you can see BHFOD representative testing the jammer and kinetic interception devices.