DroneWISE on CoU counter-UAS workshop organised by the European Commission

On Wednesday, 11th November 2020, under the umbrella of the Community of Users for Secure, Safe and Resilient Societies (CoU), DG HOME’s unit dealing with innovation and industry for security organised a virtual workshop on innovative counter-UAS solutions and strategies.

The event brought together representatives of EU-funded Horizon 2020 and Internal Security Fund projects, as well as academia, European policymakers, practitioners, and industry. The focus of the workshop was on innovation and for projects to demonstrate how their specific solutions could fit into existing counter-UAS strategies.

It is our pleasure that prof. Garik Markarian from RiniGARD helped to organise such an event and for project DroneWISE to be one of the presenters in the workshop. DroneWISE was presented by Mr. Andrew Staniforth, director of innovation of Saher-Europe and it caused a lot of interest from other projects and interested academia.

CoU workshops are a crucial instrument through which the Commission collects inputs for the formulation of future funding priorities but also by which to foster exchange between relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, such events also play a role in identifying existing gaps that need to be addressed, in this case to respond to current and emerging UAS risks.